November: Well in November I was working backstage for the Hawera Repertory production of Little Shop of Horrors, was a great show and enjoyed by all. And a whole bunch of farming stuff, cows milking, mating. Also had the Hawera A & P show where Alex had his lamb's and did really well again. A highlight was having the Pouaki Zoo there and seeing Ken & Ken, Camp Mother & Camp Leader.
Christmas, and New Year during this month, as well as the
schools PTA treat which the kids really enjoyed. I also got a bit of
crafting done by making our boss's gift this year and they really loved
it. Also in December we has a fantastic BBQ at Fiona & Bart's and
it was great, we got to walk through the zoo after hours. If you can
imagine sitting on a hay bale having a drink and in the not too far
distance a lion called Aslan gives us a big roar as he is being put to
bed, that was one of my highlights if the night. The other was having
our photos taken with the stuffed pet.